March, 2017
Second bananas and comic relief
For this month's blog post I examine leadership speech, specifically Donald Trump's usage, through the lens of a playwright. Having just been immersed in a stage reading of my latest play, I am acutely aware that words and how we use them matter!
If you'd like to sharpen your leadership speech and presence, join me for upcoming Executive Communications Skills: One-Day Blitz! More info here.
Tips you can use!
No, you can't read your audience...
...unless you already know them extremely well! Yes, you can feel if they are with you, if you are connecting. As for being able to "see" what they think of you? Impossible to do this with strangers. Don't waste time analyzing how to win them over when you should be staying actively
in the moment.
Read this to find out why.
Don't do the cha-cha!
If you feel the need to move when you're speaking, move! Slowly walk in a triangle that is three steps on each side. Taking purposeful strides that punctuate your main points can be an effective way to underscore your content. But if you shuffle aimlessly from side to side, it looks like you mistook your speech event for beginners' ballroom dance class.
PowerPoint, now and forever
If I had my way this "tool" would be out of date and out of use by now. seems to be here, at least for while longer. So ask yourself: how am I using this? If it is a reference document to hand out to your audience, consider sending the deck to them after your talk. Or letting them pick up hard copies on their way out. For your presentation, make simpler slides that illustrate (and I mean that literally) what you are actually saying. I guarantee you will see an uptick in audience engagement