All the world's a stage. Are you ready to play your part?
Whenever you walk into a room, step up to the podium,
or appear onscreen, you are judged.


I am an Executive Presence Coach

Want to make an impact every time you speak? Achieve an award-winning performance? I offer workshops and coaching sessions to improve your delivery and develop your content. From posture for presence to speechwriting and slide development, let me put my years of professional theatre experience to work for you.


I am also a
Theatre Artist

I trained as an actor, have taught acting as well as directing, and am now focusing on playwriting. Click on the Plays tab at the top to see what I am up to these days, theatrically-speaking.


I am a Virtual Communications Coach

Confused about how to communicate effectively onscreen? I can coach you and give you new tools for your speaker’s toolbox. So for your next video chat or webinar you’ll be at your dynamic, powerful best.

Check my YouTube channel for tips on how to project professionalism and confidence on Zoom!


Check my monthly newsletters and articles to see
how I combine these areas of interest and expertise!

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