Becoming Calvin is a tantalizing play of political intrigue, religious rebellion, and the unlikely leader – John Calvin – who shaped the modern world.
Becoming Calvin celebrates the Frenchman who was a defining figure of the Protestant Reformation. John Calvin came of age during the Renaissance, but he became a man for all time. His life remains surprisingly relevant: the human drama behind shifting allegiances and challenges to authority. This drama explores the lives of Calvin and others living at the crossroads of history, caught up in the complex relationships between royalty and Rome, leaders of the Church and leaders of state. Becoming Calvin takes the audience on a journey with one extraordinary young scholar as he realizes his destiny, as it asks the question: What would you give up for your freedom?
Ann Timmons was commissioned by The Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington to write a play for the worldwide celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. In 2009, The Reformed Institute produced a series of successful staged readings of Becoming Calvin in the Maryland and Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.
The world premiere production of Becoming Calvin took place in Fellowship Hall Theatre of Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., September 13 – 23, 2012.
Back row, left to right: Caren Anton, Lonny Smith, Brit Herring, Jaqui Kobily, Kim Curtis, Dave Moss
Front row, left to right: Steve Isaacs, Jonathan Lee Taylor, Terri Allen
What audiences say
“Religion has become a national hot topic, making Becoming Calvin most relevant art….What a great opportunity for art to create national dialogue and aid understanding.”
Anne Paine West, Arena Stage
“In fact, isn’t this a timeless tale? The balance of power between church and state is always at play, in every age and every country. People everywhere search for the truth, and are sometimes willing to risk everything for it.”
from Creativity and Calvin by Rev. Ruth Everhart
“History is seldom recreated on stage with a level of authenticity, grace and beauty that allows the audience to identify with and learn from earlier struggles between individual spiritual growth and established religious thought. Playwright Ann Timmons creates both with spirit, joy, and truth!”
Rev. Dr. Diane G. Murphy
“. . . there is plenty of material in “Becoming Calvin” to prompt reflection in a modern audience. Young people today too are searching for some sense of purpose to which they can apply their gifts. . .They must be prepared to pay a price, as Calvin did, in leaving the places that are comfortable to them and go in different directions.”
review from The Layman, by Alan Wisdom