It starts with structure
Yes! I did see Hamilton! And in this month's blog post I relect on challenges facing playwrights and speech crafters compelled to cover the essential facts and also tell their story.
If you'd like to sharpen your leadership speech and presence, join me for upcoming Executive Communications Skills: One-Day Blitz! More info here.
Tips you can use!
Use margin-al notes
Feel free to put notes ("smile," "with energy!") in margins of your text, along with any emoticon or doodle that might cue you to show what you are actually feeling about your speech topic. If you want to connect with the audience you have to first connect with your own emotions, so use notes to remind you to do that.
Partner up
When you feel stonewalled or ignored in meetings, one effective strategy is to enlist an ally to help you make your case. Do it ahead of time and ask for backup at a crucial point. Or you can act "in the moment" by positively referencing someone else's point, then loop back to what you want to say. It's a bit of a tricky dance, but once you master the steps you will find it can be quite useful as an engagement tool.
Empty your pockets
Seriously. If you are standing up to do a speech, even if you are at a podium, take everything out of your pockets. That will make it easier to resist the temptation to stick you hands in them. If the specific situation calls for a casual delivery, it's all right to use the "hand-in-pocket" stance, but be sure there is nothing your fingers will find to jingle. Pocket change handled absent-mindedly can be very distracting!